a few family photos
Here are some photos from my aunt's 70th birthday party the first weekend in October

Ned, Terri, Coleman, Bea (purple), Ernie, Lindsy & Travis, Tim, Auntie Ann, me, mom, dad & patty

Patty, Tim, Dad, me, Auntie Ann, Ned, Coleman & Terri
Today's Quote
Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. -Dr. SeussCheers Eden for this one!I'm starting my drive to KW tomorrow morning, so I might be offline for the next few days . . . Happy Thanksgiving to you all (just incase I don't get to post again - I mean I think I will but ya never know)
Patty, Dave & I went to see the movie Borat tonight staring the British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen (who was born in the Hammersmith, London), I'm not sure what to say about it, but I can tell you that I'm stoked to be driving a convertible down to Key West on Friday morning :) Catch ya'll later, tarra & toodle-pip xx
Key West BABY!!
So I'm extending my stay in FL . . . got an offer I could not refuse . . . so I'm driving to Key West tomorrow & will drive back on Monday then fly out & back to CT - CAN"T WAIT!!!!!!!!!
Airboats are uber cool!!
Air boat ride was fantastic!! Got lots of views of gators, turtles, birds & fun to be out in the sun on a boat - it's been too long since I last did that!! We went to Loxahatchee Air-boats, which is right by the Arthur Marshall National Wildlife Refuge (which according to the map is part of the Everglades Wildlife Management Area) After that trip we had lunch at Denny's (Grand Slam breakfast for $4.49) and then stopped by to visit a mate of Dad's Bill Snow who had a heart attack a week ago, so it was nice to be able to visit with him - he seems to be doing well all things considered!
When I get back to CT I will get the photos onto a computer & post them on my blog for all to see. I of course took a photo of me driving in our light blue VW beetle convertible :)
Tonight I think we're going for seafood, after Dad & Patty get done with cocktails on the deck. Here is a photo of mom's puppies who took a nap after breakfast this morning - such a rough life out there in Portland - LMAO!!!
Looks like I might be doggy sitting for Mr. Jackson (Eden's golden retriever puppy) while she goes to London with her man, John, the first week in Dec. That will be nice to have something official to do, but that doesn't require me to work during holiday time PLUS I'll have the run of 2 houses (Dan's house on 15th street in DC & her house in Indian Point, MD) and her car - I'm starting to really LOVE this plan :)
Well I best get off the computer & get out on the deck where Patty & Dad are talking stocks - yuck (lol)
Not sure what I'll do tomorrow, I have to drop Dad off at the airport at 10am then I'm on my own . . . probably will put the top down (Dad likes to drive with the top up) & search for some beaches or maybe go shopping (can't go wrong either way, ah???)
WPB/Jupiter arrival
Hiya from a condo in Jupiter, Florida (just north of West Palm Beach) . . .
I landed safely, about 15 minute early with the added bonus of only 45 passengers on board so we all had a row of seats to ourselves :) Patty & Dad picked me up at the airport & now we're back at "her condo" (with 4 bedrooms & a 2 car garage - should any of you fancy a visit she's here till January & she'd love to have visitors!!)
Tomorrow Dad & I are going to attempt going on an air-boat ride & if that fails I think I will just drive all around in our VW bug convertible looking for good beaches - lol. Here are some photos which I know most of you won't care about BUT my lil sis will LOVE & might even drool on the keyboard over them - LOL!!!
front view of a 2005 corvette

back view
Okay, Patty's work computer is warning me it is going to "lock up" in a few, so I better post this since I don't have the code & she's in bed now.
Post #488
WOW that's a lot of posts!! I just got back from having lunch with my mate Ellen (who I met in 1995 at Camp Read). SHe lives in Whitehall, MD but happen to be in Baltimore today for a doctors appt (she has chrones disease). On our way to lunch I got a phone call from non other than one of my best mates, Eric, which was a great surprise & really rounded out my day!! Ellen & I had lunch at the Crack Pot - I had a blackened crab cake with fries & coldslaw - YUMMERS!!!!!Now I'm back at Jean's waiting for her to pick me up to go to the airport so I can fly down to West Palm Beach to hang with dad & Patty for a few days & drive around in a convertible - yeah baby!!Did I tell you yesterday before I left DC I had to get rid of a rat in a trap outside Dan's backdoor?? It was GROSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We had heard the thing snap on Saturday night, but when Kev went to check on it the rat had gotten the peanut butter, but not gotten caught, so he added more bate & reset it . . . overnight the sucker got caught, but since Dan & Kev left at 5.40am they didn't have time to check the trap before they left . . . Jackson & I discovered it later in the day when we were playing outside, YUCK!!!Okay off to make sure everything is packed, Tarra xx
in DC
I'm in DC now, been here since Wednesday night - we've been very busy here with dinner parties at Dan's house (on the roof deck), exploring VA & MD with Eden, hanging with Dan, Kevin, Eden, Meggie, Ryan 1 & 2, Denise, Garry, Michael, JoAnn (Michael's mom), John, Jackson (Eden's puppy who is 3 months old today - 3rd from the left) Off to West Palm Beach tomorrow to hang with Patty & Dad (who has rented a convertible - yipeeeee!!) Catch ya laters, Tarra
Election Day
Another cool, WINDY & rainy day here in Portland, but before I head out I wanted to remind everyone to get out & vote, no matter what the weather is like in your area of the country!!
Here is a photo of my lil sis working down in West Palm Beach (the water behind her is from the engine that is running) I konw you're thinking "what a geek", but these days since she's the only family member actually working I can't insult her at all - LMAO!!!!
Here are an older photo which I found on my mom's computer that I thought you might enjoy seeing of me (with Justin), Kris, Monique, Pete and Keith (just after he had hiked the Appalachian Trail hence the big beard)
Get out there and VOTE!!!!
more photos
So here are a few of the group mom & I took today - again if you look under my photos (to the left) and look under 2006-November you will see the rest of the photos.
On our way up Mt Hood today (in the rain) we passed this sign, so I stopped & had to take a peek - I ran up the trail a bit & wished we'd had more time & less rain - looks really AWESOME!!
I think the sign says it all

me coming down the trail 
mom in the main room of the Timberline Lodge - the sign says, Timberline Lodge 6,000 feet, Mt Hood 11,245ft, Average snow at Timberline 41ft - how cool is that?!?!?! They have year round skiing!!!!!!!!!
The lodge as we were leaving - you can see the beautiful weather - lol - it was not as cloudy when we arrived, but as we had lunch there the place just clouded over & continued to pour down with rain!! It was a great trip despite the crap weather we got!!
a few photos since I've been home
Here are a few photos . . . more can be seen on "My Photos" under 2006-October and 2006-November link to the left, should you fancy a peek
here is Daddio's home, which we refer to as the "cabin"

Patty's condo in Newington, CT, note the beautiful flowers out front, mom & I bought those to help bring a more festive feel to the place, even though she is in FL during this holiday time.

Dom's office in Madison
Madison's capital building view from State St
Mindy's dog's Bri's 5 week old puppies
Kumquat - my fav puppy :)
in need of more to read??
So here is a good site to check out if you are in need of a "new daily blog" or just what to check some random places out - thanks to my new friends (well we've known eachother online for about a year but only just met in person tonight!!) in Portland, see side bar for their blogs (Rathnait & Redolence)CONGRATS to Lindsey today & to Frances in a few days for making it to one year, that's a FANTASTIC accomplishment not all can brag about - keep taking it one day at a time & soon you'll have 25 years like my mom :) So glad I was able to meet you both & be out here in Portland for your big days!!Back to my day . . . mom & I got up & had breakfast of eggs florintine & a duch pancake with marionberries (apparrently native to Portland) at Violet's Cafe, from there we went on a drive around Portland in the on & off drizzle & rain (very typical to what I would be experiencing if I were in London right now) Around 2pm I lost steam, so we came home & watched Julia Roberts in the movie Erin Brockovich, them we left to go to the meeting. After the meeting we went to the Indian Oven where a group of 11 ordered dinner but then only 7 of us eat our dinner there since the service left much to be desired!! THe food wasn't bad, but as I've said before I'm now a curry snob so it was not up to par with my current standards. Now we're back home & Quid is whinning for me to pay attention to him, so I will end this now & find his toy to throw around.Tarra :)
in portland
So I arrived safely last night after a rather long BUMPY flight from Chicago. My mom was there to pick me up & we came straight home was it was 9.30pm local time & I"d been traveling a lot during the day.
I was greeted at her house by her two dogs, Henry (2.5) & Quid (9 months) who helped to give me the tour of her house & later who also helped to unpack my bag & distribute my socks & dirty laundry all over the house for me - aren't they sweet!! We had a snack & watched some Grey's Anatomy before going to bed.
This morning I was awoken by a wet paw (he'd just come in from outside) tapping me on the shoulder, apparently I had forgotten in my sleepy-state to pay attention to Henry. Now I've showered & am ready to face the day - I think we're off to a coffee house, which is good cause I think I'm having withdrawal after my 2 days in Madison :)
Not sure what else we have planned while I'm here - I know tomorrow night my mom is having a party with all of her friends.
Oh yes, before I forget . . . now it looks like I won't be going back to London till late Dec or early Jan . . . but will keep you posted as I know more!
checkin in
Yesterday, Amanda & I went to a coffee shop on States Street & I got a great shot of the capital building then we picked up Dom & got him to where he needed to be to get his ID badge for the pri. building. Then A&I went to Borders & got the book, London by Edward Ruthurford (sp?) and a few post cards. Then we had some carmel apple cider - yum yum! From there we went to pick up Dom. Last night we went to a mexican place that is better than Taco Bell, but not a sit down restaurant - I got the fajita ranchero burrito - YUMMERS!!!
Here is a photo of Dom & Amanda - aren't they uber cute?!?!?! Dom is really settled in Madison, WI, which is cool!! He works for David Watkins. Amanda will start working on the 13th of Nov so she's stoked about that!!

Dom left this morning on his bike to ride to work - it was so cute, A&I were sitting watching the morning news & he was bouncing around the flat (as only Dom can do), Amanda said, "do you want to give Sara a hug since you won't see her for awhile?" and he said in his little kid voice, "no", so I blew him a kiss & said I didn't want to hug him cause I might mess up his hair - LMAO!!!!
We're off to a coffee shop & then headed back to Chicago early so Amanda doesn't get stuck in the uber bad traffic on her way home.
Here is a photo of Patty from WPB with her co-workers in West Palm Beach, FL
Happy Belated Halloween
So after a pirate checked my bag & a mermaid checked my ID, I was able to fly outta Hartford and into Chicago where Amanda picked me up yesterday at 2.15pm & we drove back to Madison, WI where we met up with Dom & went for a curry . . . apparently we've turned into curry snobs after our year in London, it was okay but just not what we are all use to!!
This morning Dom made us eggs, bacon & toast for breakfast, then Amanda drove him to work while I showered. A's in the shower now & we're planning on hitting up a coffee shop before we have to drive Dom to a meeting about his benefits at 12.30pm. After that who knows what we'll explore in Madison. Weather is cool like upstate NY (low of 21F last night & high of 41F today) but sunny & beautiful as long as you have a jumper near by!!
Dom's flat is GREAT!! Much larger than I was expecting & he's already bought himself a "big" telly. He's been catching up on all the WI politics & seems to be very well settled in. Best part last night was you can tell he's not a driver as 3 seconds past the entrance to where we needed to be he piped up from the back seat, "I see it" which of course does not help the driver figure out where to go - Amanda & I giggled while figuring out where we were suppose to be. I feel for Amanda already & she hasn't even given him driving lessons, "Mr. Indecisive" driving on real roads should be a trip!! I'll try to get some photos of Madison & his flat & send them out when I get settled at my mom's later this week.
Well I best get my arse in gear & get ready to leave, not that we are in a rush, but I've been listening to enough daytime telly already!!