Those of you who know me well, know I love to count down to my birthday & probably have been surprised I've not been giving you the monthly warnings/updates. This is in part because I've been so busy with other things and just haven't had the chance to actually sit down & count them all out, but today being my LAST day of work until I find a new job next summer (any time after July 1, 2010) I decided to take the time to count and here is what I have to tell you:
3 days till Christmas
29 days until my Around the World Trip begins with Penny
1 month & 3 days till my birthday
How was that for a count down update? Sorry I don't have anything else really blog worthy to say, as I'm sure you don't want to be bored to tears hearing about cleaning out my desk today or the piles of papers I have to go through at home before I can acually leave the UK. So I'll leave you now & hope you all have a Happy Holiday Season!!!
So I've started a seperate blog for my ATW travels, check it out here or cut and paste this: or you can find it on the side bar under "Where's Sara"
So far I've sold 2 book cases, 2 bed side tables, a coffee table, and hopefully more tonight. I don't officially leave my flat until Jan 20, 2010, but I'm getting rid of all of my stuff now, does that make me crazy? I'm not sure where I'll be putting all my things in the mean time, but I just LOVE clearing the furniture out of it & making money in the process . . . I think I'm starting to become obsessed with it ;-) just kidding, but really if all goes well tonight I'll be off loading my desk, glass front entertainment centre, 4 plants, and possibly some kitchen stuff. I might have to go out & buy some paper plates & bowls before dad even arrives if the sales continue to go as well as they have been. I think I'm most excited about how prepared I am getting for this move - I'm very much a wait till the last possible minute to do anything kinda person (ask my mum, she's always laughing when I call the night before I'm flying to ask if I've even thought about starting to pack, knowing full well I haven't given it two seconds worth of thought)
Last night I was having trouble sleeping because I'm so excited about my travels, I fear this problem will only be getting worse in the coming days so I'm going to have to start counting sheep or reindeer or sleeping pills in order to get some kip. Finally when I did fall asleep last night I dreamt that I had named by rucksack Penelope (don't ask where the name came from, it's another random long story*) and that I was writing my travel blog from the point of view of her. I'm wondering if this is a really crazy idea or if people would enjoy reading it . . . I must admit I think this idea came from the fact that recently I finished The Art of Racing in the Rain, which is written from the dog's point of view. Side note, I highly recommend that book!! I'm now reading We Need to Talk About Kevin & I'm not sure I'll be recommending it to anyone!
Okay, back to my point . . . what do you as my readers thing of my idea of writing from the point of view of my rucksack, Penny?
* for those who have to know the story: Penelope was a horse I knew when I worked at summer camp - she was a small grey horse with the grumpiest attitude ever, if given the chance to kick someone she did it, if given the chance to bite a child who was grooming her, she did it as well. All the kids at camp wanted to ride her cause she was small & if they were scared of falling off they thought it'd be best to be closest to the ground - I tried to warn them that she was ornery, but 10 year old boys don't listen so well. By the end of the summer it was hard to find a boy who would ride her without being "forced" to. Last night in my dream (before the rucksack naming) I was dreaming of all the horses at camp along with the ones mum & I owned growing up so I think when my dream switched phases Penny's name was stuck in my brain & that's where it came from . . . I think.
Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense. - Ralph Waldo Emerson