Wednesday, January 31

Super Nice Friend I Am

Well I'm off to shower & start out on my daily mission, which I for some reason chose to accept, I'm sure you will wonder why as well after I get done explaining it!!!

My friend Matt's new apt just on the other side of town from Anne & John's house is finally has the power turned on so yesterday we went over to check it out & discovered that the previous tenant moved out in August & of course turned off the fridge but never emptied it leaving eggs, butter, peas, & milk for me to find when I opened the door yesterday, I nearly passed out & definitely gagged. TRUST me I'm not a whimp, I've smelled some pretty nasty things at work (ever worse than autoclaving mouse food & bedding - I know you find that hard to believe!), but this odour takes the cake, so gross I can't ever post the photos - it's just HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!

For some reason I took on the challenge of cleaning it for him, WTF was I thinking?!?! Yeah I'm starting to wonder that myself, but again with nothing to do all day, buying cleaning supplies & tackling the fridge seemed like a good project for me. No I'm not feverish, I just had a weak moment of offering to help with "whatever needed to be done" - note to self, in future offer vacuum.

Tonight Arsenal and Tottenham Hotspurs are playing at Emirates Stadium should you care to check that out.

So I'm off to buy a few things & then head over to the apt. I hope everyone else's day is more fun (or at a minimum less smelly) than mine, it will at least make you appreciate your job!!

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At 31 January, 2007 18:21, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ick. Sounds bad enough that just replacing the fridge altogether might be the best option!!! Good luck!



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