Tuesday, January 30

The Decider

My friend Anne & I often joke about who is "the decider" in the house, when it comes to the remote control it's Matt, when it comes to what channel we watch on tv, it's John & Matt, when it comes to dinner, we all are "deciders", when it comes to who cleans it's Anne & me, when it comes to the country as a whole, we think it should be us (Anne & me) but our lovely president told us awhile ago that he's the decider. Finally someone has told GWB that maybe he needs to rethink who is "the decider"

As I type this my photos are being up loaded so I should be able to make a slide show in a few & then it will be ready for you in a bit, get excited they are pretty cool, Patty did a fab job in getting a photo of me with everyone who was at the party (cheers lil sis!!)



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