From East to West
Here is my schedule for the next few weeks:Tuesday, Oct 31 - HARTFORD CT (BDL) to CHICAGO-MIDWAY(MDW)
Thursday, November 02 - CHICAGO-MIDWAY (MDW) to PORTLAND OR (PDX)
Tuesday, November 07 - PORTLAND OR (PDX) to BALTIMORE-WASH(BWI)
Thursday, November 16 - WEST PALM FL (PBI) to HARTFORD CT (BDL)
Puppy Photos
Oh I nearly forgot, Mindy has posted lots of great photos, so please click on the link on the left hand side that says, "Mindy's Puppies" I know you won't be disappointed!!!!!!
Carbon Leaf
For those of us who missed it,
click here since my mate went last night the lil bugger (just kidding Andrew)
I got nothing for ya today either, but I am watching work men install a picture window today so that could be exciting . . . aside from that my cold is getting better just slower than cold honey!! Looked up flights to Portland, Chicago, DC, and West Palm Beach & gonna try to make it happen - will keep you posted!!
Still trying to get over this cold & I'm gutted that I'm missing a Carbon Leaf concert tonight in Burlington, but Andrew is gonna take some photos for me, so I have that going for me :)Click on the title to see a really cool braclet & remember it is breast cancer awareness monthI'm off to get the laundry started & repot a plant - yeah I know you're all jealous ;) I might check out flights to WI (to see Dom & Amanda) & DC (to see Heather, Dan, Kev, Eden, Jeanne, and Ellen)
why best friends are the best
Why best friends are the best.. (you will know who you are after reading this!)OTHER FRIENDS: Never ask for foodBESTFRIENDS: Are the reason you have no food.OTHER FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr. and Mrs.BESTFRIENDS: Call your parents mom and dad.OTHER FRIENDS: Bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong.BESTFRIENDS: Would be sitting next to you saying, Damn...we fucked up...but that shit was fun!"OTHER FRIENDS: Have never seen you cry.BESTFRIENDS: Cry with you.OTHER FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back.BESTFRIENDS: Keep your stuff so long they forget it's yours.OTHER FRIENDS: know a few things about you.BESTFRIENDS: Could write a book with direct quotes from you.OTHER FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that's what the crowd is doing.BESTFRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowds ass that left you.OTHER FRIENDS: Would knock on your door.BESTFRIENDS: Walk right in and say, "I'm home!"OTHER FRIENDS: Are for a while.BESTFRIENDS: Are for life.OTHER FRIENDS: Will take your drink away when they think you've had enough.BESTFRIENDS: Will look at you stumbling all over the place and say, "Bitch, you better drink the rest of that, you know we don't waste!!"OTHER FRIENDS: Will talk shit to the person who talks shit about you.BESTFRIENDS: Will knock them the fuck out!!
those in Saranac Lake

and before that you can hit up the SL Lions Club Spaghetti dinner - yummers!!
still under the weather
So I woke up at 3.30am cause I couldn't breathe . . . it's now 10.07am!! Will def need a nap later but for now I'm gonna try a really hot shower & see if I can steam some of the congestion out of my system!!
Nothing exciting to report but Ted & Lila sent this photo of the puppy:
i'm sick :(
I think I've got "the common cold" :( 
Rhinovirus 14 as solved by x-ray crystallography. Rhinoviruses are picornaviruses -
small, icosahedral, nonenveloped, sinlge stranded (+)RNA viruses.
another autumn day
Hmm what to tell you . . . yesterday I watched the movie, Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels pretty cool, the dvd even has a "cockney dictionary" in the extras, which just cracks me up, since I only know two people who actually use them on a weekly basis (BJS and RMG)Aside from that nothing new to report, doing a bit of laundry today, weather doesn't look so good but no rain yet, might venture off to RI tomorrow, but that is still up in the air, wish I had more to report but that's it from my end for the mo, tarra
cutie also
His name is Drake, he's an Alaskan Malamute puppy owned by mates of mine in VT (Teddy & Leila) you can see some more info here and here and for some reason it won't let me add any more photos of Drake, I will try more tomorrow.
Drake with some moose antlers he helped find

Drake vegging out after a long day of hiking

the family all together by the lake
long time no write . . .
I know I know, I've been bad about updating my blog, but I have a valid & rather good excuse . . . I have not had access to a computer!! I've been on the move, feels like at 125mph at times. I'm not even sure when I last posted, so I'm not sure where I need to start in the update for everyone, but here is a quick overview:30 Sept - arrived home 1 Oct - "family day", brunch with Ryan, James & all 4 of us, followed by shopping at the mall2 Oct - dad & I drove to Albany to meet Auntie Ann to pick up my car3 Oct - clean my car & buy flowers for Patty's condo4 Oct - mom & I drive to NJ to see Aunt Helen5 Oct - mom & I drive to Irvington, NY to see Aunt Jinny & have sushi dinner with Kristen & PJ 6 Oct - mom & I drive to Schroon Lake (having dinner with Pete in Katonah), dinner at Auntie Ann's7 Oct - SonRise pancake breakfast with Auntie Ann, cousin Tim, mom, Patty, dad, and all the neighbours (nice to catch up with them all at once!) followed by the BIG birthday bash starting at noon at The Owl at Twighlight restaurant in Minerva, NY, followed by me driving to Saranac Lake to have dinner & visit with Dan, Kevin, Miss Betty, Kathy, Roger, Kathy & Lonnie8 Oct - can't remember, BBQ rib dinner with Maureen & Bob9 Oct - Columbus Day, dinner with Kathy & Roger10 Oct - gym at 6am followed by breakfast & visit to Trudeau, SL girls soccer game & dinner with the Morgan clan11 Oct - gym at 6am followed by breakfast & veg out at Kathy & Roger's place, dinner at Despos with Dave M12 Oct - no gym, laundry at Maureen & Bob's house, coffee break at Trudeau, dinner with my SL boyfriend Will & his parents Paula & Kevin13 Oct - gym at 6am followed by breakfast, trip to Trudeau to see a few I'd missed earlier in teh week, drive down to Irvington 14 Oct - Thunderbird games at Croton Point Park - hauling the cub scout gear all day15 Oct - sleep in, breakfast with Aunt Jinny, Helen-Sue, Donna, and Mimmi, drive to CT & here I am now :)I did get an email from my potential boss in the UK who said he should know more in about a week, so I'll keep you posted on that front! Well I should try to be social now, speak soon, Tarra xx
HOME in the USA
So I'm safely back & borrowing a mates computer during Monday night football so I don't have a lot of time but wanted to give you my number so everyone can reach me 334-0314, those of you in the ADKs have same area code :)
will update you soon when I know more!