Sunday, June 25

The Man ON the Hour mark

So here is the man who made it all happen on the 60 minute marker:

For more details of the England 1-0 Ecuador game
click here so England will be playing Portugal next Saturday at the quarter finals (Portugal 1-0 Holland)

In other news - I did bugger all yesterday! Lou & I were in our pjs till round about 4pm! I had dinner at Lemonia with Susan, Marissa, Amanda, Dom, Simon, & Katie. Followed by a quick jaunt up to Primrose Hill for 30 minutes & then down to a pub in Camden to see the second half of the Mexico-Argentina match (Argentina 2-1 Mexico) Having missed the Germany v Sweden match earlier in the day
(Germany 2-0 Sweden)

Today I went shopping in Croyden with Katie Brennan - got some good deals - will photo & post later, too tired at the mo, off to bed for me, just wanted to post something for ya to see on your lovely Monday morning :)



At 26 June, 2006 08:38, Blogger Sara said...

yeah the photos of gerard & both coles were awful so I found that one & posted it - knew you'd like it - I am of course still impressed he made that shot yesterday . . . lucky lucky lucky! Off to uni now, tarra.


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