
Cartwheels & me (left)after a wonderful curry dinner & baklava dessert.
Susan reading to Cartwheels (above) out of my new Illustrated Dictionary of Immunology - he's going to be a smart little NHP (non human primate)
Other exciting daily news: We saw snow - well not really what those of you in the north country would consider snow, but for London it was exciting!! It's what I would have called flurries (if that). It didn't stick but everyone ran out to put sand & salt on the walkways just in case.
Okay exhausted from these past 3 weeks & the fact that I though it would be a good idea to run at the gym tonight (haven't run in goodness knows how long!!) Should have stuck with the stepper & ellipical, but got over zealous - LOL!! Off to watch a movie & hit the hay.
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