Sunday Roast
So Friday night was suppose to be the big pub crawl, but turned out that too many of us where exhausted from the week so it turned into just grabbing curry opposite from the KT tube stop and then going to our local followed by a movie instead - just as fun and not nearly as tiring!!Saturday I slept in till around 10.30 and received a phone call from my friend Rob who wanted to know if I was playing a practical joke with his phone - I had no clue what he was talking about! Apparently sometime Friday night his mobile was stolen. I offered to help him look for it so we ask at the pub and curry place but nobody had seen it. Off to Camden Town we went to see the O2 dealer. They announced that we had to go report it to the police and get a reference number before he can claim it through insurance. Back to KT we went. Of course this made me laugh seeing as Rob's a cop and he had to go and fill out a police report on himself - he didn't find it nearly as funny as I did. He went to fill out the paper work & I went home to study. Rob showed up around 14.00 needing a phone to call and sort it all out. So while I studied he contacted the O2 dealer and insurance. When he was done he was hungry so he cooked pasta with salmon, leek, spring onion, in a cream sauce and garlic bread - it was really good. Then we went shopping for Sunday's meal. It took us close to 2 hours - of course we walked all the way to Chalk Farm to get to the Safeway he wanted to shop at - I can't complain I enjoyed the walking - I was feeling rather lazy from sitting & studying!
Saturday evening was suppose to be the big bon-fire and fireworks display - don't get me wrong they still went on but we missed them. Alain, Tiffany, Rob, Danielle, Jim & I were all suppose to go, but Danielle, Rob, Jim & I were delayed and didn't make it in time. Jim had been working the Arsenal (football/soccer) game during the day, had lots of drunk & disorderly arrests and had not turned up at 16.30 like he said he would so Danielle, Rob & I decided to just showed up at NI (police station) since we hadn't heard from Jim in awhile. Danielle and I sat in the "waiting area" while Rob searched the building for Jim. I had never sat in a police waiting area before, but I have to tell you next time I'm bringing my camera with me, it's a hoot!! You meet the most interesting people there!! We met JoAnne & Carmen who were waiting for their friend Kelly to be released. Kelly had been arrested for fighting in the street and punching a cop. The fight had been started b/c Kelly's brother is sleeping with some girl who Kelly doesn't like so she decided to "kick her a**". Little did Kelly know the cops where just down the road and saw the whole thing happen. These girls where hysterically funny - throwing their hands up in the air, prancing around the waiting room trying to demonstrate the whole series of events. Jim & Rob finally came out but Jim was still in full uniform, at this point I knew we were going to miss the show. Danielle, Rob & I went to the Angelic just down the road to wait for Jim to finish up work. He arrived around 20.45. I think the waiting room "show" was more than enough for me - I'm still laughing at those two re-enacting the cat fight!!
Sunday started off pretty much like normal, breakfast, shower, and study group, but we did have a fantastic Sunday Roast. Rob, or the chef, as I like to call him now, cooked lamb with rosemary, thyme, garlic and roasted carrots, turnips, & potatoes (Rob's Irish so say that with an Irish accent for full effect), along with some green beans cooked with onions. For dessert we had roasted pears with honey and cloves. It was delightful, especially since Jim did all the dishes and sorted the kitchen out.

Roasted Pears with Honey and Cloves, sorry the roast photo got deleted by accident!
At Sunday Roast was my friend Tiffany (from Canada and a Public Health & Nutrition major at LSHTM), Rob (chef), and Jim. It was a hysterically funny night. It was great to have Tiffany and her Canadian accent to balance out the non-British accents!
Having problems downloading the people photos - will try again later :)
SARA ATE LAMB!!!! Since when did this happen; maybe they called it kangaroo meat. Love, MOM
yeah and I actually liked it too - amazing huh?!?!?! Must just be better lamb over here - LOL
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