Shopping trip & weekend review
Again sorry I haven't had more time to write but I've just been on the go all week long with classes, study groups, my cousin visiting, and sleeping :) I learned some new expressions which I'll share with you as well!Here is a quick synopsis of my weekend . . . Friday after classes Louise and I popped over to Oxford Street to get a shirt to wear out to our MBID pub meeting. We stopped into H&M and Topshop - both great stores with decent prices (for London) and more importantly student discounts!!! She got 2 shirts and I got 3 - how could I resist one of them was only 3.85#s!!!

I'm not sure if you can tell but the far left is not all shiny silver just has flowers in silver, the middle one is a double tank with the top layer has very thin silvery lines running through it and on the right there is just a floral design across the top.
After shopping we jumped onto the first train home, grabbed some dinner and back into the West End for pub meeting. I wore the shirt on the right and Louise had a similar shirt but in grey and black. We hung out at ULU's (University of London Union) pub for a few hours and then everyone went home.
Saturday Tim (my cousin who arrived on Wednesday night) and I had breakfast and he went off touring around London on his bike while I stayed at home studying. Last night we went out to dinner in Camden Town for Tim's birthday - we had Cantonese food - it was good!
This morning we got up, showered, had brunch and Tim went straight to Heathrow - now I'm home checking email and getting ready for a study group meeting at 15.30.
So great that Howard is in touch. Hope you get to see him. LOVE the shirts! Very stylish I think. MOMMIO
well tried to fix my spelling error but it won't let me - opps! I think everyone will understand what I was trying to say!
sure thing - that one was only a few pounds - you know I'm not a big shopper but at these prices I couldn't resist - Hugs and Kisses to Miss B!!! Any snow yet?!?!?!
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