Day 1 week 2
Well thanks to my favorite little Yankees fan in Saranac Lake, I found out that today is Columbus Day. I completely forgot about that seeing as I'm in England that day isn't very important. As I told my lil Yankees, it was business as normal here in London, well mostly.I arrived at Kentish Town tube stop at 8.25, plenty of time! Read the notice about "severe delays" but thought nothing of it since I had an hour to get there and it's normally only 17 minutes door to door. I was reading the free paper I'd picked up (The Metro) when the first train arrived - JAM packed full of people - the doors opened, nobody got out, a girl managed to smoosh herself into the already too full train and off it went. I thought, no problem, I'll catch the next one. Second train arrived - same exact thing!! Again, no problem I've got extra time . . . third train, same thing! At this point I decided I'd try the bus, so I got back up to ground level, walked 10 feet to the bus stop and with in 2 minutes was on the 134 heading to school. I arrived with 15 minutes to spare :)
Our first lecture was on innate recognition. We got a 30 minute coffee break and then the second lecture on innate vs. adaptive immunity. Lunch followed by our third & fourth lectures on phagocytosis I, ten minute break, phagocytosis II.
I came straight home after classes today since Dad and I are suppose to meet up with Danielle (my "cousin") for dinner. Will have to report on that either later tonight or tomorrow. Probably tomorrow since Dad has to wake up very early to catch his plane back to the states tomorrow!
Here are 2 photos looking out my back window this afternoon, just after all the local children had left for dinner, I imagine.

Not great shots, but again not a great angle for the photo with the tree right there.
NOTE: sunny and no rain puddles!! Still hasn't rained during the day and tomorrow I will have been here for one month!!
Cool! You have a play park in your backyard!
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