Friday, July 10

Friday July 10th - where has the week gone?

I had some topic I wanted to discus, but of course as the day as progressed I've now forgotten it! I apologise for not being better with my updates, but it's summer, we've had a few days of real summer weather & the last time on my mind has been coming inside to sit in front of my computer & type. Also the fact I don't have internet at home has drastically reduced the amount of time I spend on the computer, which all in all I reckon is a good thing!

Oh, now I remember, I wanted to tell you about how wonderful my boss is! Yes, that correct, he's amazingly awesome - actually thinking about it I can't recall ever having a non-wonderful boss . . . yup, that's true, I've always had really fantastic bosses, sure hope this trend continues :) Back to the point, he's so awesome, I wish I could bring him to the US with me! I told him that I've been thinking of moving home at the end of the year. He said he'll do everything in his power to keep me here if he can, but that he understands how hard it is to have family far away (he's Aussie) and that if I decide to move back I will get a fantastic reference from him & will be greatly missed. He also said he wants me to get a work permit for next year, cause just in case it takes me a few months to get a new job at least I can still have this one & he'll pay the £1000 for it - how awesome is that??

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At 17 July, 2009 02:59, Anonymous Anonymous said...

your boss sounds fantastical. if he wants to hire me i'll move to England...he can pay for my visa too!! lol...

At 21 July, 2009 03:55, Anonymous DAD said...

that is fantastic and a great credit to YOU and the fine work you do for him too! keep it up! I am a proud father, for sure.


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