Friday, June 15

not to change topics but . . .

I saw this audio slide show and thought you might enjoy it, course it's not as exciting as posts on Nascar, debates on gun laws, new cars, sports creams that can kill, or making 140 afghans, but I still think the video of photos are interesting for a Friday afternoon.

In other really news, this is the email that came out a few minutes ago to everyone in my lab:

So Sara and I were scheming the other day about a GB Lab Day Out, and we figure heck let's just do it. I've taken a poll of the ladies, and all of us are free on Friday 29th June, after Jon's Journal Club.
So far the ideas are: potluck picnic, followed by (disco) bowling. If it's a nice day, I thought we could play badminton or croquet or some other dumb outdoor "sport." And Tash just piped up with a Killer: the London Zoo. They got gorillas! Jon! Gorillas!
Let me know your ideas and whether you'd like to join, and I'll look into group tickets and dream up things to bring for the picnic.

Followed by GB (my boss) sticking his head out of his office saying, "I vote for gorillas" so I guess it's a go - YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


At 15 June, 2007 16:55, Blogger jen said...

that slide show was really interesting.

i've never heard of work colleagues going to the zoo together before!


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