Mostly family photos, better than nothing right?!?!?!?!
So here are some more photos, I'm so frustrated that I can't send you any photos from London yet . . . I promise to work on it this week!!
Ok, here is my Auntie Ann with her step great grandson, Travis J. Costa. Travis was born on Friday Sept 9,2005 (I think)

Here is my "lil sis" Patty on her 26th birthday last weekend sitting with her first CT roommate, James.

Here she is again tiara & all, but this time with her college roommates Kate (left) and Laura (right)

Here is the beautifully set table for Miss Patty's 26th Birthday extravaganza - wish I had been there!!

Laura, Patty, James, Emily at Pigs Eye in Hartford, CT

Patty and Matthew
Well those are all the photos I've got :( sorry!! I promise to work on getting London photos up here asap!!
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