Saturday, October 1


I need to apologize to my "old" boss, Peter - I did not mean old as in age, but in the fact that he's not my boss anymore :( At school I keep saying, "my boss got his MSc here" and they all ask where I'm working - then I have to explain that I don't work anymore and they ask why I call him my boss - guess after 4 years it's just sort of automatic that I call him my boss.

If you'd like to see him visit, he's got some awesome (or should I say, "near dead brill" photos. "Near dead brill" is an expression we learned today from our friend Louise, she's from Aberdeen, Scotland. Not really sure why they say, near dead, but the brill part is short for brilliant.

Attended the director's party this evening - we had all the students crammed into the atrium of the new building - I'm not sure how "new" it is. The shape of the school use to be sort of like the letter "A" and they put a building in the courtyard area at the top of the A. There was some good food and free drinks, but the food went very fast!

Louise (Scotland), Katie (Belgium), Alan (Belgium), Rita (Portugal), Maria (Spain - I think), Leslie (China) and I decided we needed some more nourishment and since it was our last night out all together before classes started we went to the Thai restaurant on Store St, just a stone's throw away from school. The food was really really good - I had pumpkin & butternut squash curry with sticky rice and tap water. After dinner was finished we continued down Store St to Tottenham Court and headed into the Rising Sun (pub). We were able to grab a table for all of us to sit and chat. We discussed all sorts of things.

  • our different majors - medical micro, immun. of inf dis, & mol. bio of inf dis.
  • T cells & B cells
  • our different accents
  • expressions from different countries
  • our different schedules (or as they like to call them time tables)
  • how Leslie choose his name

It was very interesting. Katie and I will be having classes together starting on Monday b/c I choose to start off with General Immunology - we have classes M-F from half 9 to half 5 every day but Friday when it ends at 5. The medical micro & parasitology students have Wednesdays off and end every day at half 4.

Around 9.45 we decided it was time to head home so we all went our separate ways with plans of relaxing before our BIG start on Monday morning 9.30 sharp!!!


At 03 October, 2005 14:17, Blogger PCS said...

Thanks, but I will admit to not being 'young' either. Work hard.


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