Saturday, July 28

missing party found

So as some of you know, I'd "lost" Jim today - his phone broke & I didn't have their home number & Rob was at the pub getting drunk (as per normal). I was getting a bit worried seeing as it was 11.30pm & no word from him especially since our flights at 12.30, meaning be at the airport at 9.30 (3 hours on UK to US flights now with the extra security) which means leaving Kings Cross station at 8.10, which means getting the train from New Southgate (right near Jim's house) at 7.52, soooooo after finally reaching him (he would speak into the phone & I'd type on instant messenger since he's deaf) and a bit of debate I'm going to be at his place at 7am to have breakfast (aka make sure his lazy arse is up) and we'll be on our way . . . "leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again" Thank goodness I'm excited for this trip or I'd be in MAJOR trouble getting up even earlier than I do for work!!!!!

See ya'll on the flip side :) I'm off to get some kip


At 04 August, 2007 23:21, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you found Jim =)


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