Monday, April 30

Friday night lights

I know I mentioned that I might go to a gig with Lou on Friday night but the tickets were £20/pp, so I opted not to go.

Friday after work I was rather knackered, but just before leaving the office I checked my phone & there was a txt message from Rob saying he was just round the corner & did I fancy meeting up for some dinner. To be honest I thought about it for awhile before I decided, well I have to eat, so I may as well grab a bit to eat before going home. We found a Thai place (Thail Metro) a few blocks away & had a great meal. Of course when that was done he wanted to go to the pub for a few drinks - not being super keen on the idea, I thought I'd go for one, just to be social, but then I'd slip away & head home. So we walked up to Camden Town (30 minutes) and headed into the Camden Tup (his local). He ordered our usual, Corona for him & lemonade (aka Sprite) for me. While we were chit-chatting with the staff (as we know them all pretty well) I was sitting on the bar stool with my back to the door & felt this sudden jolt as if someone was trying to push me off the stool, at the same time I heard, "jeez you let anyone in these days, even the damn yanks" followed by hysterical laughter from all around us. It was Jim who has just popped in after a long day of watching the telly (rough life huh?!?!?!)

As I'm sure I've explained before drinks are bought in rounds so as more people show up it's harder & harder to leave b/c either drinks are being bough for you or you have to buy for the new comers . . . so I didn't leave after that first half pint of lemonade like I had planned. But ya know how those nights when we planned bugger all always turned out to be the best, well this was a good example - it was just like the "old days" when we all got on & could just talk about anything & everything.

I'm not exactly sure how it was that Jim & I started talking somewhat privately, but it just sorted ended up that way at one point & we started off speaking about Rob & his recent inability to filter his mouth & how he'd been pissing off some people, including both of us b/c it's embarrassing when he says something really off colour in mixed company! From there Jim got sight of this "beautiful blond American girl at the end of the bar" & we started talking about how it was so great that we're in a place now that we can openly talk about each others relationships & yet still remain such good friends. Now understand a few hours has passed I'm about to turn into a lemonade & Jim's had a few pints of San Miguel. He went over to try to chat up the Californian & I turned back to speak with Rob & the others. After about 20 minutes I was trapped in a bear hug & felt someone breathing in my ear - for fear I might get a tongue in my ear I struggled a bit, until I heard what was being said, "how's my angel doing?"
"you're my angel, don't you know that sweetheart"
NO, what do you mean?
Releasing me I turned to face him so we could talk more easily. I can't say verbatim what he said, but this is along the lines, "Sara the hardest part about breaking up with you was that you're such a wonderful person & we were getting to be really good friends, our schedules just didn't work & you deserved more than I was going to be able or willing to give you. I've never known someone who could be so honest, friendly & loyal - those are the most important things to me ever since being a booty (that's what the marines call themselves during basic training) we were that way when we dated & amazingly we were able to keep it up after. I can honestly say, if you hadn't come back I don't know what I would have done without you." I guess at this point my face sorta made some contorted look - not in a bad way just more confused - I sorta thought he felt this way, but he'd never said it outright & to hear it was almost weird. He continued on, Yeah I know I never say this stuff, but you are truly important in my life, I have never had an ex girlfriend remain friends with me & don't even know of a girl who I've been this close with. I was speechless & just gave him a huge smile, he blushed a bit & then immediately changed subjects to the movie JackAss2. Looking at my mobile it was about 11pm at this point & I was starting to feel like I should go home. Jim started to try to convince me to come back to his place, have a glass of wine & watch JackAss2 with them. I sorta thought about it & felt the best choice was to say yes so as not to argue but then when we get on the bus they'd forget & I could just get off at my stop (5 before theirs).

Pub closed at midnight, we stayed till 12.30 (knowing the owner has it's benefits) then headed toward the bus, along the way Jim grabbed my hand & said, promise you'll come over - I just sorta smiled & got onto the bus. It was absolutely heaving full of people & so in typical Jim & Rob style they chatted with those around us.

The trip home is about 45 minutes, but after about 25 mins most people get off & we were able to get some seats. My stop came & I tried to make my way to the door to get off but the boys were not keen to this, so I was held on the bus - to the horror of a little old couple watching it all go down & probably thought I was going to be gang-raped or something horrible like that.

We walked back to their place, all got into the living room - Rob stared to wash the dishes by hand & Jim grabbed the DVD - we just chatted for a bit & then in my typical style fell asleep before the movie actually started. When I got up at 11.00 the next morning, he started the DVD again so I could actaually watch the movie, before going to get breakfast with Rob.

We went for breakfast & then I went back to mine for a shower & to get on with the rest of my day. So that's the BIG story - I guess it's not super exciting for others really, but I've been back over a month now & this was the first time that he & I had really sat down & chatted totally uninhibited & just like old times. It's just always nice to hear that someone feels your friendship is just as important as you do, ya know? Okay I MUST get back to work now . . .



At 30 April, 2007 17:45, Blogger jen said...

i don't know the history here, but having someone appreciate your friendship is definitely a good thing.

here's what's i can't figure out about this story - didn't you say that the pub was rob's local pub? yet it's 45 minutes away from where he lives? what am i not getting here?

At 01 May, 2007 10:36, Blogger Sara said...

Hi Jen, I will email you the history :)


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