Monday, January 1

new look

New yeas photos from BBC.

So as most if not all of you know I'm NOT big on computers, but I sorta wanted a new look for my blog, with my lack of knowing what I'm doing I have to rely on the blogger templates, so do you like this new look? I can always go back to the old one if people are not happy, I'm not sold on it yet either!

I think we're off to the
OMSI today, that is if Patty & Matt ever call us. I know we were up late last night and all but it's 10.30 in the morning, they should at least be semi awake to accept a phone call!!!!!

Romanians & Bulgarians are excited today and in health news today this is kinda cool, aside from that I've got nodda for now . . .


At 02 January, 2007 06:28, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dunno about that molecular condom - I've got images of liquid duking it out inside the woman's vagina and that doesn't sound terribly pleasant!

(Ew, and ya, I just left a comment with the word "vagina" in it (twice now!). How's that for a start to the new year!?)

I like the new look; let me know if you want a header designed or somethin'. :)


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