Flash back photos!
Photos are not great b/c I've taken digitals of real ones so bear with me. I still think you will laugh at the flash back photos!
me, George and Ellen at C.S. Read Scout camp (summer of 1997)
Jim & Kylie in our dorm room of Crawford Hall, so must have been junior year (99-00), I'm guessing
Susan (from Norwich University) posing in one of the barrack rooms
Tom & Patty on Auntie Ann's boat 5/16/99
me and Patty (5/17/99) after a day of shopping in Glens Falls (at 416 East Shore Dr house)
me, Stephanie, Veronica, Marlene, Lelan, Meghan, Kylie, and PJ watching the Labour Day Parade in Northfield, VT, I think Chas took this photo, but not really sure (Sept 98)
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