Few more photos
I rather enjoy posting photos, hope everyone enjoys viewing them, sometimes I just get tired to typing out new & exciting things that I do (well not really b/c my daily life isn't all that exciting, so when I do have something exciting I do like to brag a little about it).Since my day thus far as been full of exam taking, lunch at a pub on Tottenham Court Road (with my uni mates) and now back at home writing up my practical for Friday, I decided I'd share a few more photos, instead of boring you with the details of our essay questions, like describe the 3 types of genetic variation for African trypanosomes, yeah I figured you'd prefer the photos . . . (for ALL the photos see my yahoo photos link on the left hand side)
Matt, me and Sus in front of my local
Can you say heavy rain & long queues?!?!?!
Can you now say, Patty with naked lady?
Repeat after me, "only in England . . . "
Matt at Windsor Castle

She smiles entirely way too much for that job!

"Aaarrrr" like a proper pirate!
Tonight is dinner with Jim & Rob somewhere in the west end - I'm sure that will turn into a night out as well. Will keep you up to date tomorrow since I'm sure I'll need a few study breaks from my write up!
Well . . . Happy Wednesday!
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