Saturday, February 11

Good Night Moon

Ya know some nights you're really tired & wishing you were little again so you could be home in your own bed with your parents reading you a bed time story . . . That's how I feel tonight!

I think this feeling was brought on by my morning bus ride into uni. I caught the 8.15am 134 bus - it was so full we were all stranding crammed in the isles. I could hear this cute little British accent talking,

"Dad, why does Henry not play for England?" Well he's French so he plays for France. "But Dad he's Arsenal not France" Yes, but there are many levels in football, Arsenal is not world cup level. "So Cole is just Chelsea?" No, Cole plays for England as well, because he was born in London, just like you. Maybe one day you could play for England, if you keep up with your football training. "But I want to play for Arsenal, not England, they try hard, even if they are out, no more Arsenal Dad, that makes me sad." Well Arsenal will still play just they can't win any trophies this year (that conversation about football went on for awhile - missed some of the players names & teams & there was a bit about what qualifying meant for the world cup)

"Where does the 376 bus go?" I don't know "But Dad, it's right there, it must go to Camden" Well yes, but it might go other places. "But it's here in Camden, so it definitely comes to Camden"

"Dad, I didn't like fitness class because they made us have a race and I didn't win" Races aren't always about winning, it's about trying your best "But I didn't like losing, it makes me sad, why can't we just run for fun like at my old school" Well sometimes they make you race so you can learn to push yourself and see yourself improve. There not trying to be mean, they just want you to try your hardest, that's all they can ask for. Did you try your hardest? "No, I don't like races" Well I think next time you should try your hardest and be proud that you participated & that your getting stronger.

As we made our way down towards Euston Road, enough people got out of the bus for me to be able to see this little boy & his father. It made me smile inside & out to see them having this wonderful conversation - the father was talking to him as if he was another adult - listening intently to his son & trying his best to give answers he could understand without speaking down to him or belittling him, like I have witnessed a lot before.


At 11 February, 2006 01:22, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know the feeling, only a few more months

At 11 February, 2006 10:06, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is impressive these days


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