So I didn't post anything yesterday b/c to be completely honest, I didn't even get out of bed till around 14.30!! I woke up at about half 8, went to the toilet, thought about staying awake, turned on the telly, feel right back asleep watching Will & Grace. Woke up again it was noon, made myself a cup of tea, got back into bed and watched BBC news (not much choice b/w the 5 channels!!) This time I woke up it was 14.30, thought at least I should shower. Got up showered, grabbed 2 oranges and back to bed I went, this time I put in a DVD, just in case there wasn't anything good on the telly. Watched a show called, Miss Match felt dumber for having seen it, so I switched to the DVD player. My friend Jim stopped by around 16.15 to see what I was up to and could not stop laughing at me since I had barely moved all day! Popeye and Rob stopped by a few minutes later to see if I was going to the pub, I smiled and said, "I think I'm going to bed soon" To which Jim replied, "BLOODY hell Sara, how can you be so knacked? You've had a proper kip today" To which I said, "You three get your masters in MBID and then we can talk" That was the end of that conversation - watched Jaws and went to bed.
Today I did much better, was up by 09.00, showered, eaten b'fast and on my way to uni by half 10! Handed in my decision for term E1 and E2, handed in another copy of my paper to my tutor (who wasn't around on Monday) and came back to Kentish Town to have lunch with Louise. We had intended on eating salads at home, but I was having a craving for a jacket potato, so we went round the corner and both had one - hit the spot perfectly!!
After we'd filled ourselves to the brim with potatoes, we came back to my place to study - we both did about 2 hours, before Louise decided she was going to head home. Not bad for a Wednesday afternoon, if you ask me. I'm now checking my email - a friend from over here sent me a funny email today - whenever they get a chance to poke fun at the Americans they do!!
Oh nearly forgot to brag about the best part of my day!!! Since I never left my flat yesterday when I went out this morning there was a package for me at my front door. I was so excited I ran inside to open it. Low and behold my "Saranac Lake Boyfriend" had sent me a Christmas present!!! Isn't he just the greatest?
Oh another cool thing I found today while checking my emails was this photo . . .

Patty and her boyfriend Matt - he was making noises like a pirate - hence the laughing.
Matt is a geek just like Patty building jet engines for P&W (but he's a native of TN)
Well I'm off to make some dinner and then I'm thinking I'll pop in a DVD before going to bed.
Patti's got a HOTTIE!!!
GO Patti :)
Sarah You can top your little sister's "hottie" with one with one of those British "blokes" can't you?
He's a looker and smart!
Way to go Patticakes!
Glad to see if I put a photo of Patty on my blog I get lots of comments, but when I write about myself nobdoy seems to care - LOL!! I hope they don't mind everyone seeing the photo.
Shannon, it wasn't me.....
Hi Patti : )
lol @ Sara for all the buzz on Patti's new man
absolutely brilliant Patty, but must agree with "HS" blokes over here are better. PC BJS
Watching 'King of the Hill' last night like I do most every night. Peggy was planning their trip to Graceland. She had a list of travel supplies including toilet seat covers. Bobby asked her what the toilet seat covers were for. Peggy said 'one word.....TN'.
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