Tuesday, December 13

Power point presentation

So my presentation is done :) I was the 3rd person in the class to go this morning so I was able to have a relaxing lunch with Amanda and Heather. We talked about our "party" tomorrow. It's Amanda's birthday on 29 Dec, so we're sort of throwing her a "surprise" party. Slight problem with this idea was that she decided to cook dinner for all of us! Menu thus far is quesadillas with margaritas and dessert is TBA (I've recruited Rob to either bake or buy - depending on his time/work schedule.) She doesn't know that we're having cake for her so that part is still a surprise. Did I tell you already that there are nine (9) people coming? Not sure where we will all sit or what we will all eat off of but it should be good fun (or as they say over here proper fun). I'll be sure to take photos to post!!

Party goers are:
Amanda (Immunology of Infectious Disease student from Wisconson, dating Dom)
Dominic aka Dom (IID student from England, dating Amanda)
Heather (Public Heath student from Maryland)
Susan (IID student from CT & CA)
Jim (copper from England)
me, you all know me already :)
Rob (copper from Ireland)
Gareth (IID student from Scotland, dating Claire)
Claire (PhD student from England, dating Gareth)


At 13 December, 2005 19:12, Anonymous Anonymous said...

YEAH !!!!
School's done....time for fun : )
Enjoy the party, see you soon.


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