second half of the ELISA lab
So we're starting our second day in the lab (or as everyone here calls it "practical") Again it's an ELISA day and again I could have probably taught it, but I shouldn't complain b/c it's somewhat of a nice break from the lectures.So as I think I mentioned yesterday, Kevin & I met up at half 5 yesterday and went to a bar just down the road from school. We had a good chat - swapped gossip we'd heard about Trudeau, both of us were a little disappointed in the lack of good gossip. My friend Louise came with us, but left early as she seems to have caught the cold that I had this past weekend. Mine is finally in the coughing stage and actually today I have not had an actual "coughing fit" like I've been having for the past 2 days. Kevin & I left the bar around 7, he walked home and I got the first train towards High Barnet :)
I can't think of much else to talk about at the moment, so I think I'll check my school email account and then get back into the lab.
stop saying half 5
To quote a very wise woman, "Ya Big Baby!!!"
: )
you go girl !!
Of course I don't feel it makes the same impression when written from so far away, but it's the best I can do :)
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