Tuesday, October 4

First day with a lab

So I've only got 10 minutes left till my incubation is ready for the next step but I wanted to give you a quick update on my second day of classes.

This morning's lecture was given by John Raynes. It wasn't as interesting as yesterday's lecture, but not all days will be "fun" I'm sure. This afternoon's lab is on learning how to titrate across a 96 well plate & use a pipet. I feel like the class expert, as most of the students have never done "real" lab work. It's like I'm in a room full of SIP students (summer interns at Trudeau) - just this time they're not all asking me for advice - yeah!!

Today after school/work (5.30pm) Kevin & I are meeting up for coffee - he apparently saw me in the building last week during registration, but aside from that we've both been so busy we haven't been able to get together.

Gotta run, need to start the next step of my ELISA . . .


At 04 October, 2005 15:01, Blogger PCS said...

Do you find it insulting that you have to do a lab on titrating across a 96 well plate?

At 04 October, 2005 15:22, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you could teach that lab : )

At 04 October, 2005 19:44, Blogger Sara said...

yeah I know I could teach it - it was funny when everyone picked up the pipet and couldn't figure out what to do with it - some didn't even know to put a tip on it before they tried to suck up 50ul of sample "A" - I had a hard time not just bursting into complete laughter, but I was able to contain myself, somewhat - lol!! Kevin say hi!!


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