Thursday, August 25

Brussels, Belgium

I am happy to report that Vicky & I are safely in Brussels, awaiting our final plane journey to Kigali which should be leaving in about 1.5 hours. Vicky found me on the bus which was transporting us between terminals - timing is everything they always say :)

We've had a great time catching up & are anxious to get this last leg of the trip over and done with.  Though I cannot complain as many of you know how I dislike flying, okay it's not the flying I dislike so much as the turbulence, but I am happy to report first two flights were relatively bump free, making me a happy camper thus far.

I look forward to sending you an update later tonight from Kigali . . . that is if I can stay awake that long!  It's nearly 10am Brussels time which means on the east coast of the USA it's nearly 4am.  Thank goodness I got 4 hours sleep on that last flight or I might not be so chipper right now!

I will sign off now, feel free to leave comments - I love seeing who's following my blog :)  Oh and don't worry I've got my card reader so I'm looking forward to blogging with photos!!!

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At 25 August, 2011 14:04, Blogger TattooedEngineer said...

Glad to hear the flights have been smooth so far. I'm looking forward to the picture updates.

At 25 August, 2011 15:16, Anonymous MommiO said...

Oh, it's so great to see your post and learn that you are catching up with Vicky. Hope your next flight is as smooth. Looking forward to your news.

At 27 August, 2011 15:05, Blogger Sara said...

I'm hoping the internet gets stronger so I can post more photos, though to be fair up to this point it's mostly been meetings, not many photos ops just yet :)


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