Tuesday, January 29

Sad to Report

I'll start off with the not so depressing news - there is still time to leave Carmi a comment on his Caption This 55 - thanks PCS and Ms. Cheesewiz for already participating!

I just found out a mate of mine (DL) has to have surgery on a brain tumour on Thursday. I've been a bit outta the loop so it came as a rather large surprise to me!
Here is what the email said:

Spoke with Don and Tricia last night and unfortunately (as I'm sure we were expecting) the news ain't good. The tumor has grown back with a vengeance and has developed a "hot spot". He's having Pre-Op testing today and the surgery is scheduled for the 31st. Because of the location (now) of the tumor and the areas it's impinging on, the surgery will be a balancing act between trying to get as much of the tumor as they can without causing major damage to his speech and motor control.

Another issue involves the ventricles (areas that collect and distribute CSF-cerebral spinal fluid). They are getting blocked and need to be opened up or too much fluid collects and compresses the brain from the inside out (Hydrocephalus). And after he gets thru the surgery (which they're bringing in another surgeon in addition to his original one) he'll be looking at Radiation and Chemo.

So, keep them in your prayers (lots of them), call to offer moral support and I'll let you know what's going on when I find out (of course if you hear something please let me know).

I met DL probably back in the summer of 1995. I was working at Camp Read & he was one of the many volunteers involved with the camp. He also had a son who was a few years younger than me and over the years we all hung out together. DL is a wonderful man with a heart of gold. He's already been through a lot - only a few years ago he lost his son unexpectedly. It was hard for all of us to deal with, but to nobodies surprise a few short weeks after it DL was showing up for work weekends & giving 110% like he always had. There is now a memorial for Anthony at the camp.

Don - your in my thoughts & prayers - all the best mate & don't worry about getting home in time for the Superbowl party - I'm sure the hospital has a telly you can watch!

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At 31 January, 2008 09:11, Blogger BRAINCHEESE said...

Sending your friend healing vibes...

Linda D. in Seattle

At 31 January, 2008 09:57, Blogger Sara said...

thanks very much! surgery's today

At 07 February, 2008 06:07, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your friend. Sending all good wishes for health and strength!


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