16.04 Saturday check in
So we're not enjoying studying today . . . It's really hard when we can hear everyone enjoying the sunny warm weather that is just on the other side of the windows! But here are some photos we took earlier . . .Louise with all of her notes!
me with all of my notes (ignore the mess of cord by my feet, it's just to get 2 lap tops connected to the internet, we have to have them all)
Best off all a view of our study aids - Drumsticks (sort of a taffyish lolly), Starmix (gummy bears, gummy rings, gummy hearts, gummy colas, and gummy eggs), and Minstrels (sorta like M&Ms but larger & with Galaxy chocolate inside so it melts better)
(please also ignore the big white box - I don't always know who reads this thing and we don't want any nutters showing up at my door at some crazy hour ringing the buzzer & annoying us!!)
Just caught up on all your study break blogging. Terrific! Speaking of appreciating your health, one of my friends here who is 31 probably has MS. We all went out to dinner last night and she came. We all said we'd stand by her no matter what! She has a terrific attitude. Love, Mommio
Wow! Those are some impressive photos... Look at all those notes!
Good luck with studying!
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