Looking for any excuse not to do work, but this was a bit much!
So I was typing away for this freakin essay that's due tomorrow when I got interrupted by the police looking for the guy who use to live here - apparently they have a warrant out for his arrest b/c of over due counsel tax & assorted other things.So the really funny part of the story (as you will understand in a minute) is that they ran the bell 3 times for long periods of time, so I thought it was Jim or Rob joking around or Louise (maybe she'd lost her key??)
You can imagine my face when I opened the door and saw 4 coppers standing there! Again I wasn't sure if this was for real or a joke. I think you all know this by now but my mates Jim & Rob live just down the road and are cops & they are always saying how funny it would be to have cops show up and threaten to arrest me.
So the 4 PCs insist on seeing proof, apparently a female with an American accent wasn't proof enough! So they all had to come up to my flat so I could find my lease & my passport to prove I was not "Jeremy Wilkinson" ya know cause I look a lot like a Jeremy these days (MissyLou do I look like J???). I'm not sure when it was that I realized this was for real, at first I was just sorta joking around about it until I saw all the paperwork - they had to mark down that I lived here and was a student (had to prove that as well) so that I could avoid counsel taxes - ugh what an annoyance that was - took about an hour - apparently they don't have an essay to turn in tomorrow!!
Ok, enough fannying about, let's get back to typing!
OMG!! That's hilarious. It would have been funnier if they cuffed you and hauled you in for questioning. Imagine trying to explain to your teacher that you couldn't do your paper because you got locked up? You Americans are f'n crazy. ;-)
~H from NY
Now that sounds like a fun article to write - way better than the mechanisms of IRIS, but that's done now :)
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