Thursday, January 19

London cold/flu season

Well our presentation on Markus' paper went very well today - everyone in class was saying what a good job we did of presenting all the facts & figures so that was nice to hear.

I have to admit I'm glad I'm done presenting for this week as I seem to have picked up the London cold that's been going around - it's just a sore throat at the moment, but I fear it will get worse, if I'm not careful, plus I can't afford to miss any of my classes this term!! Jim started getting sick last Friday, went to the doctor's on Monday because he still wasn't feeling well & was tested for bird flu - 4 hours later they told him "it's just your common cold, take Paracetamol.

So now I'm off to the library to read the two papers for tomorrow's presentations, grab some more clementines & OJ then catch the first 134 bus back to Kentish Town for a nap!!


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