Home Sweet Home (London that is)
Well I'm safely back in London after my whirl wind tour of CT, NYC, and ADKs. I've put my photos (Claus' visit, Christmas 2005, Snow in ADKs) on my yahoo website. I will post a few on here but that's where ALL the photos are!!
Not sure how many of you knew this but neighbors from the ADK's came to visit London the last 2 days I was here before I headed home for the holidays. We toured all around London - seeing many things I'd never seen before, ie. inside of Westminster Abbey, St. Martin in the Field, ride on the tourist bus, saw Woman in White (I got us 3rd row seats for 15 pounds!!!), and St Paul's.

Picadilly Circus (view from a bus)
I left for Boston on 23 Dec - Dad & Mom picked me up at Logan. We were all staying at Patty's condo in Newington for the week. On 27 Dec Matt (Patty's boyfriend) arrived in from Tenn. 28 Dec we went to NYC to see the Nutcracker & had dinner with my cousin Tim who lives in Brooklyn. 29 Dec Mom, Patty, Matt & I went out to dinner at The Corner Pug in W. Hartford, then Mom & I went to Danbury to meet up with our friend Pete for a catch up on life!
30 Dec Mom flew back to Portland, OR & I drove up to Saranac Lake for a haircut & then on to Plattsburg for rollerskating with Shannon & Barrett.
31 Dec I was at Kathy & Roger's house for dinner with Kathy & Lonnie & Steve.
1 Jan I had brunch with Maureen, Matt & Bob. Took a nice walk in the woods through all the snow - wish I'd had my camera with me then!!!!!! Gordita dinner with TV tables and the movie Ray - perfect night if you ask me :)
2 Jan I went to Trudeau to meet Paula & Peter for lunch then drove Dad's car down to Westchester.
3 Jan I watched a snow storm in CT while sleeping most of the day.
4 Jan I mailed a box of clothes to myself from the US and got on my plane to come back here to London. I arrived at 05.02 this morning and I'm still awake!!!! (13.07 GMT now)

Me, Dad, Mom & Patty 26/12/05
Coolest Christmas Present!!!!
Windy road with beautiful scenery
You made it back safe and sound....your dad was right, parts of Mass. got lots of snow.
We're in the middle of a "winter weather event" right now. Wet snow falling, expecting mixed precip later folowed by more snow after that. Got to love winter in the Adirondacks.
I enjoyed our lunch.
Will says hi, he's a bit miffed I didn't bring him to lunch with us.
He's working on a letter to you, so you'll be hearing from him soon.
Yeah we got snow alright - it was sorta cool to be inside looking out at all the snow!
I just realized when I was unpacking that I never gave you Will's christmas present - I will have to mail that some time tomorrow or next week - sorry about that - my bad! I'll add a birthday present in with it when I mail it - I'm getting the piss taken out of me from Rob & Jim after hearing about that!!
That yahoo website link doesn't work!
Works for me and mom so try again Pete and let me know if you're still having problems!
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