Thursday, October 6

Meeting my tutor for General Immunology

I almost forgot to tell you about meeting my tutor on Wednesday. I have a tutor, Isabel, for my MBID course, but since I'm in the immunology course this term they gave me another tutor/mentor. His name is Gregory Bancroft, He was the prof who gave the first lecture on Monday morning.

Yesterday afternoon I decided to go and introduce myself, since there are 14 others in my class and I didn't want to assume he knew which one I was. When I turned up at his office door he said, "well well well, 4 years at Trudeau, and now here, culture shocked?" It made me laugh since I was finally starting to think I was over the hump of the shock stage.
We chatted for a bit about how this "tutor time" would be spent - mostly like a mini journal club. He said since I'd most likely been to a few at Trudeau, it wouldn't be compulsory for me, but I think I will go since he is going to find an article related to what we are talking about in lecture that week - I can always learn something I'm sure!

He asked about if I had ever worked in a category 3 lab before plus what sort of lab techniques I knew. I explained that I had worked in our TB Unit before and gave a quick overview what I knew in the lab. He said I was very lucky to have learned so much and to have experience in the "cat 3 lab." He also told me that after I graduate with my masters I will probably be able to get just about any job in a TB lab I want. He said it is rare that you find someone with cat 3 background and the scientific knowledge that I will have when I'm through. He smiled & winked while saying, if you want to stay at LSHTM when you're done, let me know.
So that was kinda cool :)


At 07 October, 2005 21:33, Blogger PCS said...

Tell him technician stealing is unethical.

At 07 October, 2005 21:53, Blogger Sara said...

I'll let him know :)


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