Friday, May 12

Birthday Calculator


My date of conception was on or about 4 May 1977 which was a Wednesday.

I was born on a Wednesday under the astrological sign Aquarius.

My Life path number is

The Julian calendar date of my birth is 2443533.5.

The year 1978 was not a leap year.

I was born in the Chinese year of the Snake.

As of 5/12/2006 12:26:25 PM EDT:

I am 28 years old.
I am 340 months old.
I am 1,476 weeks old.
I am 10,334 days old.
I am 248,028 hours old.
I am 14,881,706 minutes old.
I am 892,902,385 seconds old.
My age is the equivalent of a dog that is 4.0446 years old. (I'd still be chasing cats!)

There are 258 days till my next birthday on which your cake will have 29 candles.
Those 29 candles produce 29 BTUs!
You can boil 3.31 US ounces of water with that many candles.

My birthstone is Garnet
The Mystical properties of Garnet is used as a power stone

My birth tree is the Cypress Tree
The Faithfulness - Strong, muscular, adaptable, takes what life has to give, happy content, optimistic, needs enough money and acknowledgment, hates loneliness, passionate lover which cannot be satisfied, faithful, quick-tempered, unruly, pedantic and careless.

There are 227 days till Christmas 2006!
The moon's phase on the day I was born was waning gibbous.

To find out about your birthday calculations click here


At 12 May, 2006 17:42, Blogger PCS said...

That's not the birthday calculator link!

At 12 May, 2006 18:38, Blogger Sara said...

ok, birthday calc link is fixed, sorry bout that!


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