Saturday, April 1

Back in London

So I almost made it back to London all in one piece, but as luck would have it, while I was there I fell down the stairs (staighre) in the double decker tour bus and broke my ankle :( To make the long & rather embarrassing story about how it all happened - all you need to know is the stairs were wet (it rained every day I was there) and as we all know you're suppose to "remain seated until the vehicle has come to a complete stop" (like anyone follows those rules?!?!?! I PROMISE, I WILL FROM NOW ON!!)

oldest Celtic cross in Ireland, never completed (not open between cross & ring like one behind it)

I didn't think much was wrong until I found it really difficult to walk (siúl) - I could stand up okay, but once I tried to actually walk it was as if someone was stabbing my foot. Luckily for me the guy who'd been staying in my room at the hostel (brú óige) with me was on the bus and he offered to go with me to the hospital since I was traveling alone.

sheep in a field in Glendalough

So after a few hours at the local hospital (san ospidéal) the doctor came back with the x-ray results showing it was a fractured ankle! At this point Jon (guy who I'd met at the hostel) was laughing rather hard, since he'd just spent all that time convincing me it was just a sprained ankle and I was being a big whimp about the whole thing!

waterfall on nature trail in Glendalough

With a beautiful white cast & pair of crutches I was released in time to get a taxi back to the hostel, pick up my bag & get a taxi to the airport. Luckily for me I'd only brought my one EMS 2500 pack with just 2 days change of clothes, so it was light & I could wear it & still be able to use the crutches. Well I've posted my photos here and will write about it later - too tired!

me with Guinness family estate down below (can you tell it's windy & rainy)

April Fools, my trip was fantasitic - write about it later


At 02 April, 2006 15:44, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're a sly one. It's a good thing that you had called me or else I'd have been slightly hysterical. Goodo for you, Ra.

Love, Mum

At 03 April, 2006 19:56, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ra- Ya know, I was feeling so bad for you with your broken ankle!! Jeesh. Looking forward to a REAL blog story. It feels like Ireland here today. Cold and rainy. Now, if I only had a warm pint! (Well, if I did I would get fired cause I'm still at work.) Hope u had lots of fun.
~H from NY

At 05 April, 2006 16:16, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I already told you you got me and fooled me - glad you are out of Ireland now or the blarney might get thicker.

That was a good one - fooled us all.

Photo's are great.

Lanie Turner


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