Thursday, November 17

Dinner on Thursday

Well tonight Rob cooked dinner - he didn't like the fact that I was eating "cup o' noodle" and cereal for dinner so he's decided to cook a real meal! We had roasted pork, mashed potatoes with spring onion (has a special name in Ireland but I forget it), fried leek and cabbage. It was all very good! Since I don't have classes till half 12 (or 12.30 for some of the "big babies" in the group reading this) we then headed down to our local after dinner. Louise was going to meet us there but then she got really delayed on the Northern line and I got really tired so I came home. Apparently the rest of KT is still wide awake b/c I can hear them all yelling from the street - hopefully they'll get tired soon as well!! I shouldn't complain b/c I don't have class till late tomorrow but still, it's annoying to listen to drunk people screaming in the street when you're trying to sleep, ya know!?!?!?
Last night I met my friend JoAnn for dinner at a Thai place near school - we had a great catch up dinner - she's been gone for about 1 month, sorting out moving to London and on holiday to Australia & New Zealand. Aside from that not much exciting has happened.
Oh yeah today during Hazel's lecture she did mention Andrea's data along with Aeras data - so that was kinda cool since I know both of those people from the states!!
Off to bed now . . . zzzzzzzz (hopefully)


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