Monday, November 24

quick update

I'm bloody knackered but wanted to give a quick update since I know of at least one person who has admitted to being "addicted" (thanks Dave C!!)

I was in Glasgow all last week at the Annual British Society of Immunologist Meeting and then drove from Glasgow up to Inverness & back at the weekend (that equates to just over 400 miles in 36 hours . . . did I mention it snowed, rained & was very cold & windy?!?!?!)

Whilst at the conference I had this CRAZY & I mean crazy for those of you who know me idea to cook Thanksgiving dinner for my coworkers & a few other mates . . . now remember I live in a studio flat, I have 4 plates, 6 glasses, no wine glasses, a 3 seater couch, 1 chair, a wee table and a bed. I do however have a full size kitchen, but let me fill you in on a rather interesting bit of this story - I've never cooked a whole chicken (I KNOW I KNOW suppose to be turkey but you can't get them anywhere near me cause they're all "on order" for Christmas - don't ask) the point is I've NEVER baked a chicken - I normally make the sweet potatoes - that's my job, but this weekend I will have to cook ALL of it on my own - any suggestions on the best way to not screw this all up?? Also, check my menu - feel like I'm forgetting something, but in my defense I've missed the past 3 turkey days in the US so forgive me if I'm missing something obvious!
so far I've got:
green bean casserole (any sub ideas for the noodles which I can't find)
cooked carrots & broccoli
bread rolls
sweet potatoes
mashed potatoes
apple pie

Today I got my work permit extension (after a long process - details later) off to bed now!

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At 24 November, 2008 21:03, Blogger PCS said...


At 24 November, 2008 21:07, Blogger PCS said...

I've been doing all the cooking at my house for the last 1.5 yrs. I find the most useful gadget is a thermometer (stainless steel with a dial head). Then, roast everything to a temperature 10 degrees cooler than recommended. I like to roast things at a high temperature for a shorter time. Usually around 400 degrees.

At 25 November, 2008 15:01, Blogger Andrew said...

Do you still have that bread recipe that I gave you?

At 25 November, 2008 17:35, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that chicken recipe I forwarded is a high temp recipe--just saute onions till they're nice and brown and with a breading (or not) and put them on the beans

as always looking forwardt to the photo display!

love, Mom

At 29 November, 2008 09:14, Blogger BRAINCHEESE said...

Two words...TAKE OUT.

Linda D. in Seattle

At 29 November, 2008 12:18, Anonymous Anonymous said...

good luck on turkey day plan....sounds great!

At 29 November, 2008 12:30, Blogger Sara said...

PCS: Got the meat thermometer as you suggested!

Andrew: Yes, it's the one I'm using of course!

Mommio: suggestion noted

ChesseWiz: I WISH!!

Dad: starting now - will keep ya posted!


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