Wednesday, April 26

Day in review

So today was basically your typical day with a few "extras" added in.

Started out with the bus ride into uni, lecture from Siske Struick followed by a lecture from
Colin Sutherland then after lunch Quentin Bickle facilitated our lab. Once again lab will be boring for me, this weeks' lab is on NK cell activation. Today was making single cell suspensions, lysing red blood cells (RBC), counting cells, diluting cells, plating cells, diluting IL-2, LPS, and heat killed parasites & then aliquoting them on the 96 well plate (according to the diagram provided!)

Side note: probably none, aside from
Peter actually know what Quentin looks like, but I have to tell you he reminds me of my mate Eric (from Trudeau).

After lab, I met up with Susan & we went swimming at the ULU pool! We swam for about 45 minutes, I think with only about 10 minutes of breaks, considering the last time I did any sort of exercise was probably back in January, I was very impressed with myself :)

From there we went back to her place at Goodenough College to drop off her bags, walked up to Kings Cross & got the 214 bus up to Kentish Town for a repeat of last night's dinner (it was too good not to have again - lol).
We eat a bit fast since I had promised
Andrew I'd meet him at the pub to say goodbye. I'm not sure I've mentioned Andrew before in my blog, I tried to put a link to his blog on the side of mine but I've some how messed it up, so click on his name above to see it - he's had some awesome adventures during his time here in London as well. As most of you know I graduated from Norwich University in May 2001, Andrew has the luck of still being at "the wick" as it is referred to by many students & alumni. Andrew & I met about a week after he'd arrived here in London & we'd sorta hoped to get together a few times while he was here, but our schedules didn't agreed. So we met up tonight for one of Andrew's last pints of Guinness in London.

Well it's getting late & I have lab all day long tomorrow - ya know Tumour Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNFa) & an Interferon-gamma (IFNg)
ELISA to do!!


At 27 April, 2006 09:46, Blogger Andrew said...

Heh, it wasn't the last one - my neighbors and I ended up doing a pub crawl until about 1230 - Wasn't too bad, but Zach and I walked a guy back home, he started to drunk dial the hooker cards - very amusing.

Thanks again for everything!!

At 27 April, 2006 16:40, Blogger PCS said...

You're not there to learn lab techniques since you could teach them yourself. It's the theory that is key and learning to think critically about science. Learning to ask questions, designing experiments to answer the questions, then determining what the results of the experiments tell you.


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