Wednesday, February 22

7 for dinner at mine

Dinner was good fun!!!

Dom & I were cooking the Thai green chili and had just started the rice when the power went out! So I had 8 people, no power, 1 torch (flashlight), Thai green chili (all cooked) and no rice, since it had been cooking for about 2 minutes. I went out to explore the situation - found out it's just the block I live on and the block that my local (pub) is on - went into the pub to find out if they knew anything - they said it should be restored by 11pm (famous last words as it is 11pm now and I'm running my laptop on battery).

Susan, Louise and I ran over to the Chinese place across the road and got white rice & "emergency" candles. WONDERFUL dinner - Thai green chili by candlelight with 7 wonderful friends who were just happy to be having dinner together & didn't care about no light!!

6 bottles of wine where drank along with some Oreo's and jelly bellies for dessert since Louise couldn't couldn't make apple pie :(

Oh and the power just came back on :) Amazing how that works!!

Well I'm off to bed now - classes at half 9!!!!


At 23 February, 2006 23:36, Blogger Sara said...

that's what the label says lol


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